Saturday, December 31, 2005
Seasonal Thoughts [60+]
There are going to be a lot of tired people in church tomorrow :)
Keep studying folks!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
And they cried out, saying, "What business do we have with each other, Son of God? Have You come here to torment us before the time?" (NASB)
So I randomly flipped to this passage when I am supposed to be working on my paper. Today has been a little bit disfunctional for me, seeing as my family is getting together more frequently, and I crave that time over paper time. In any case, it has been a rough day spiritual. A rollercoaster I might say. But what you are reading is not contentually analyzed (as that word just proved). Instead it is the thoughts which popped out of my head when I opened (seemingly at random) to this verse. Lets see what happens.
For some brief context, this is a "legion" of demons embodying a man (or two) in the country of the Gadarenes. These are the demons of whom it is spoken: "They were so extremely violent that no one could pass by that way." (v28b).
But here is what struck me about what they said. They asked Jesus if He was there to torment them? My brain did a double take (which sort of hurt), and then I was like: "What is this? Jesus tormenting someone?
So I looked up the word torment in the original, and this is what I found, care of blueletterbible.
Basanidzo Strongs (928)
1) to test (metals) by the touchstone, which is a black siliceous stone used to test the purity of gold or silver by the colour of the streak produced on it by rubbing it with either metal
2) to question by applying torture
3) to torture
4) to vex with grievous pains (of body or mind), to torment
5) to be harassed, distressed
a) of those who at sea are struggling with a head windHere are where my thoughts went next. The most tormenting thing that could be done to anyone is for the presence of God to be removed from them. That in essence, is what the Lake of Fire is. But the ramifications of that are not very clear in my mind because I don't understand what it is like to not have that presence. This passage demonstrates how terrified the demons were of Jesus, and they were his enemies! This is also the fate of everyone who does not make much of Jesus. It is the fate of those who would rather be satisfied with worldly things, than with the glory of Christ, and how beautiful and awesome He is.
But to be honest, I don't feel very fond affection for Jesus. In my head I understand a small bit of who He is, and I understand a little of what He has done. But my heart isn't crying out with the longing and desire that I read of in the Bible in the lives of devoted men and women therein. Like Hannah, who desired with everything in her heart to be blessed of God. Or David, or Paul... The list goes on. Also, I don't see in my life the devotion and comittment to loving and glorifying God that I find in men of the past. Men like Jonathan Edwards, John Owen, David Brainerd, David Martin-Lloyd Jones, etc. I realize the puritans are a bit of a hot plate right now, but if you examine what they wrote, it blows your mind! These people have an appreciation of the magnitude of God's word, especially in verses like this one, which demonstrates God's holiness, justice, and wrath. He will torment people in the Lake of Fire. Torment them. And if that doesn't rip all the callouses off of my rough heart then I'm not sure what will.
I suppose in another sense of the word Jesus torments us as well. In the first definition, it talks about testing metals for purity. And right now that feels like a slap in the face. Today has been a test, and I have failed. God is tormenting me in that sense of the word, but for what purpose?
Am I faithful? When I sin, do I come back to Christ a ruined man because of what sin means to God? This is torment. My soul feels tormented about my sin, because I hate what it shows about me. That I can't do it. I cannot be righteous. Until that hits you, you will never appreciate Christ. Its not just in the head. I'm slowly starting to learn that. I know what I should do from a mental perspective, but what my heart truly desires to do is displayed in my actions. And that torments me. It burns the soul to feel the heart grow cold with callouses.
But oh how beautiful Christ becomes to the eyes. How marvelous is his righteousness when I realize that God sees Jesus' life when he looks at me. I don't have to feed the poor, or help my neighbour, or go to church, or wash feet, or any of those things. But I should want to, purely out of a love of Jesus. Do I really love Jesus? I say it alot. Do I love Jesus? It should show. Sin should be putrid to me. A vile raping of God's character in my heart and mind. But is that how I view it? Perhaps it is time for another analysis of how I view sin.
Philippians 4:8 -
Whatever is good, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, think about such things...
I'm still here, and my heart is a little bit warmer than before.
-the bard
busy is a word overused.
especially when family is around
to talk, distract,
time will smile that knowing smile
and the cokes will pile
upon my desk.
Don't wait for me, I'll be a little while;
Because Its a lonely road:
Deep in the heart of Africa,
and cold as ice.
I'll sit quietly by, but my mind has gone
to work it out.
The shining guardian waits ominously,
and time smiles that knowing smile.
I'll be dead soon enough.
-the bard 17/12/05
Monday, November 28, 2005
The Satisfaction Song
I know you're seeking after happiness.
Well why wouldn't you? I do too!
But we've both been dead for so long,
That anything we get, we can't enjoy.
And we cry for something better.
But by that we just mean more
Of the same unsatisfaction,
'Cause we hate the alternative: loving God.
And what if I told you I found joy?
Not the kind you're used to, this will cost you everything.
Your girlfriend's bed, your selfish praise
Will never match the ravishing delight of Christ.
Get out of your girlfriend's bed!
You're selling yourself short.
Destroy that selfish praise!
You've gotta die to self, to live to Christ.
-the bard 28/11/05
Monday, November 21, 2005
Don't bend your mind too far on this one
I'm jumping back into regularily studying NT Greek. Along these lines are perhaps my latest thoughts about the future, namely Bible Translation. Its exciting stuff. In other news, I am reading a book by Sam Storms called "onething," which discusses the beauty of God, and how we should be thinking more about glorifying and enjoying Him. I also got the chance to listen to John Piper give a biography of Jonathan Edwards, which has heightened my desire to study and know scripture, and actually think about it (which is why I am jumping back into Greek). O ya, and I decided that I'm going to write in Toddish for all my notes (except things I have to hand in...), since it seems to be a focus for me. Ah, good times.
I haven't written any songs lately, but I have been learning the piano a bit. Luke taught me a few things to start, and I'm using whatever time available to play. Its been fun so far. Assignments are looming, and I feel as busy as ever. I guess I can only laugh at myself for how much I get involved with.
Braidwood is going great at the moment. I feel like there is a revival happening in the church, in terms of a passion to know God and act on that. I feel closer to the people there, and it is cool to be a part of. And the chorus book is starting to be used, with guitars at the front and stuff! (I know folks, don't blow a gasket mulling that one over. God is good :)
Godspeed my friends!
Saturday, November 12, 2005
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Reformation Day
Happy Reformation Day
Happy Reformation Day!
Don't you want to get dressed up?
And celebrate Justification through Faith,
That our Father has given us.
No there is none righteous
Not one who understands
This is why we need the grace of God
You who indulge in Halloween
Your heart masked like the costume you wear;
Soul cold like the candy you eat,
Empty as your stomach is full.
Happy Reformation Day!
Get your thesis nailed to the door
And dress up however you like,
But remember its all about grace
-the bard 31/10/05
Monday, October 24, 2005
Context!! Context!!
1. "At the beginning I was like, 'Oh, this is horrible!'"
2. "I prefer it when you are sleepy."
3. "I'd rather die than marry you"
4. "Its not at all physical attraction. The physical aspect has nothing to do with it."
5. "If I was somewhere else and I'd heard that you died I'd have no problem with that... I'd praise the Lord."
I suppose there will always be more to come. Its good to be able to laugh at yourself once in a while.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Doubly Blind
The quiet heart amidst a sea of noise
Peace, tranquility; it is alive.
Empty stares pierce the blind
Such rush, its a wonder they don't trip.
O yes, it is in a different sense,
What danger then, to be blind
And not know.
Let dirt and spittle fly!
Perchance to hit the eye
And now doubly blind they'll cry!
-the bard
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
In the Room with Orange Swivel Chairs
The white desktops are laden with all my work.
But my mind is somewhere else.
The Squatter's Tale lay dormantly asleep,
Though not so tightly held as Anne-
After buying 20 pounds of sugar.
O what time has passed amidst these thoughts,
Though not enough to suit my taste.
Patience now is ne'er undone
But grows, in full, agape love.
-the bard
Monday, October 10, 2005
Happy Birthday Bobo!
I spent time with Heather's family this thanksgiving as well, and as a whole it made me reflect on how God has blessed me with a wonderful family too. All the faces, the warmth, the memories laced with tears and soft music. It moves the soul.
Derek Webb's song "beloved" is playing in my head these days (and also on my guitar). Its about Christ and the church, and how Jesus is all that we ever need to be completely satisfied. I'm going to play it at the coffee house for TCF. I love this song!
And don't you ever let anyone tell you
That there's anything that you need
But me
-beloved (Derek Webb)
Sunday, October 02, 2005
God the Faithful one.
Thursday, September 22, 2005
This One is for Noah
Their was
broke its own;
And you're concern
is the
-the bard
Monday, September 19, 2005
Taking Stock
"I do not in any way condone dating relationships, but I believe I can get to know someone better by doing away with titles and inherent expectations involved in a 'dating relationship'."
This statement is simply untrue. This is because expectations are things which are defined by the people in a relationship, not the nature of the relationship.
So things have changed. And I am happy about that change.
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Detour Back Home
Have I traded in a gift of faith
For a law I can't follow
Would I be happier to fall on my own
So I could boast that I did it myself
I'd rather miss a hundred exits
Than stop and ask directions
So you cause a blockage in the road
And detour me back home
You chase me with a love so rare
But I'll trade it in so I can be the same
Except the vendor can't buy it
Cause it was never meant for him
I'd fight you right alongside Job
And call you a cheater at the end
And even though I know I'll never win
Its easier to be irrational than wrong.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
I find these days lend themselves to personal reflection. Where I am, where I am going, what I will do when I get there, when will I stop using run-on sentences... You know the usual. And to be perfectly honest, I'm kinda scared about it all. Probably more than anything I'm scared of what I don't know, or don't understand. And since I know very little, and understand less than I would like to believe of the things I do know, I am very thankful that Christ upholds me, sustains me, and intercedes for me. I need only dwell on Him in order to wash my fears away, for what shall I fear when Christ is in the forefront of my mind?
I think my favourite Hymn sums it up.
Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.
Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.
Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul’s Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.
Riches I heed not, nor man’s empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of Heaven, my Treasure Thou art.
High King of Heaven, my victory won,
May I reach Heaven’s joys, O bright Heaven’s Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.
..."thou my best thought, by day or by night".
Why is it I spend time trying to do or say the best possible things, yet spend no comparable ammount of time thinking about the best possible thing? Pride. For human beings can perceive actions and words, but not thoughts. Honest words and deeds flow from honest thoughts. Think on Christ more urgently, more diligently, and more fully, and your words and actions will change to include Christ proportionally to how much you think on Him. I say urgently, because there is a lack of desperation in my heart; A lack of dependance upon the sufficiency of Christ. I say diligently because there is a lack of consistency in my thoughts of Christ, and I say more fully, because there is a lack of depth to my thoughts of Christ. Some changes are being made this Autumn, and I pray that the Lord would keep me mindful of Himself above all else.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Saturday, August 20, 2005
I think this one deserves a better title...
-the bard
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Mood for Riddle and Rhyme
Make your choice, adventurous Stranger;
Strike the bell and bide the danger,
Or wonder, till it drives you mad,
What would have followed if you had.
O ya, and I'm in the middle of making a gleeman's cloak. You never know when you need one of those...
-the bard
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
12 Hours in London
The Spaniards in the corner
Are keeping me awake tonight
I'm not sure what to make of my thoughts
And it's getting hard not to stare
Airports are odd places
Especially for the mind
I feel like I'd rather be back home
Just one more plane away
And I'll be ok
If it's ok with you
I think I'll stay up for a little while
It's not to change what I have to say
That will happen anyway
12 Hours in London
Waiting for all the things you would have
And I am not content to sit here as the friend
Why not?
Friday, August 05, 2005
Weight Loss + Perspective Shift = Symbiotic Relationship
Its kind of funny the way the Lord works. For my feeling coming away from Pakistan was that I would spend time over the next couple weeks thinking and praying about the experience, ultimately looking for some answers as to long-term work for the future. And my attitude has been negative as to returning to the country, based almost exclusively on the moods and emotions I felt during the trip. I spent some time playing tennis and chatting with Josh about it, and the things I kept saying I had issues with all seemed to be problems that would not occur if I lived in my own house, and had a job, etc... I guess I need to be very careful in the next few weeks to remember the facts about the country rather than a certain mood on a certain day. Well that's it for the moment, I think I'll go eat some peanut butter.
-the bard
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
-the Bard
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Not even there yet and look what happens ;)
Woke up around 6 am feeling pumped, read for a bit then played some guitar outside of Shawn and Hayley Cuthill's house in Toronto. I met one of their neighbours as she walked her dog Lucky. Then we had breakfast and greeted Hillary. Later that afternoon things got crazy, as we traveled downtown via bus, then subway (which I had never been on), and finally street car (which I also had never been on). I was the only one out of the 8 wearing Pakistani stuff (which I didn't mind, because the rest were complaining about heat) and I was carrying baby Joseph's stroller. We ate an awesome meal and the crew stopped to get some icecream, which i wasn't too interested in so i stood outside. Out of nowhere this girl passing me and Mel B, looks at me and says "You're hot!", to which I replied thankyou, giving her my grin and Mel my "what-was-that-all-about look". She just laughed at me. After that we headed back to the subway terminal via streetcar, which is where the fun really begins. You see, with this stroller, I was slightly encumbered, so when the rest of the crew packed onto the subway, there wasn't any room left. I moved down the line, but the subways are pretty quick so I missed the train. As it pulled away, I looked at Matt and tried to mouth the words "which stop" to which he shrugged his shoulders. I tried to do the same with Ben, but he was already of range. Chuckling to myself I waited for the next train, and had a grand time all alone, with every other person staring at me like I was a white guy dressed in Paki clothes with a stroller... except that I was!!! To make a long story short, I hopped off the train around Eglinton, then deduced that the most likely stop they would be at was Finch, because I wasn't paying very close attention to which street we were on, etc... Luckily Finch was at the end of the line northwards, and it turned out to be right. The Lord is good. We made it home, and half the crew went out to talk with a Pakistani guy who was involved in some parliamentary thing... I guess they will tell me when they get back. So I grabbed my guitar and played outside again, only to have another girl pop her head around the corner and compliment me on my playing... Needless to say I gotta be super careful around girls, maybe I won't grin at them anymore... O by the way, I get to eat lunch at Buckingham palace. Thankyou for your prayers, take care everyone!
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Apple Blossom in the Wind
Peace favour your sword.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
The Plane Contest
Friday, June 17, 2005
Shades of Green, Gray, and Blue
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
The Ballad of Joseph Wiliam
Mother and Father are beaming and dreaming
Cause they know the way
And they'll teach their son to pray
With his mother's milk he feeds on the word of God
These building blocks of life will grow character as strong as trees
Joseph cries in the night
Wakes a Mom and a Dad O so tired
They rush out to hold him tight
His soft little snores their delight
The burden to provide will never match the joy
For Christ guides this family through every storm
Joe is in God's hands
To do with as He sees fit
And Joe seems pretty content
Calm of His Storm
In any case, I was wondering about the term "Quality of Life". At a seminar at my work we discussed this term briefly with respect to the people we serve. Everyone in the room was adamant that 'quality of life' is completely subjective, and though I didn't voice my opinion then, I am not so sure. It relates to the storm because I saw the great power of God displayed across the sky, and thought of his control over events in this world. I suppose I sort of philosophize the idea behind "Quality of Life", which is that any individual person decides for themselves what kind of life is of quality, when I suggest that the only "Quality of Life" possible is through Christ, and everything else must be measured by that standard. However it gets interesting when one discusses "Quality of Life" in reference to non-believers. Could one person's idea of "Quality of Life" impose on another person's? I believe so. Which makes me wonder how any talk of "Quality of Life" can be purely subjective, with no anchor or point of reference. Perhaps I'm blowing this out of proportion, so feel free to enlighten me. At least the lightning is straightforward: God is in control. That is where my quality of life is found: In the calm of His storm.
ps. my apologies for no ballad, its coming soon. p-stan t-15 days
-fox thought
Monday, June 13, 2005
i wonder what it is like to ride a Camel...
-night awakes are starting to get to me. I think I had a hunk of bread for supper, or was that breakfast... I'm not too sure. its actually tommorow and this post is for today, which is yesterday, but not for me. Needless to say i look forward to a somewhat more structured sleeping pattern. By the way, I love muggy weather. P-stan in 17.
for great justice,
Todd the fox
Monday, June 06, 2005
CD Construction
Spend Some Time With Me
Spend some time with me walking through a valley full of flowers blooming in the sun
I lift my head to the sky and wonder at your grace and power its all around me
So I open up your word
And see the justice of the cross
A righteousness mine all of you for all of me
The Saviour weeps for Adam's race who know only how to hate the God who gives them breath
What kind of love can it be which saw this Saviour die for me, satisfying God's wrath
And He hangs upon the tree
God's glory on His mind
The darkness it comes the transaction made, and we are saved
What response should I give to the Christ who rose on high and intercedes for me
A life of holiness He asks and by His spirit it's achieved Sanctified and pure
O to spend much time in his word
So to fall down on my knees
To glorify his name until he calls me home
Sunday, June 05, 2005
25 days...
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Dance to the End
Who would have thought, this was the plan
A week to remember and I'm at it again.
It seems this solitude made a wreck of my mind,
Humbled by things of a wonderful kind.
Living by faith and fighting a war,
Few are practicing the sword anymore.
Gotta sit down and think, read Romans again,
Treasures to be found, a pearl from my friend
And that boy danced a solid tune
With the sky framed in ocean blue
That grin on his face, he was ready to dance to the end.
Life on a roll, its been quite a ride
Searching for wisdom only He can provide.
Probing the depths of His infinite grace,
Resting therin she doesn't feel out of place.
And with Apple Blossoms in her hair
She didn't care who came to stare
Cause she made up her mind, she was ready to dance to the end
With Christ sufficient for the pair
And a goal they both wished to bear
They took up some words and were ready to dance to the end.
Friday, May 27, 2005
the wheel turns...
Does 'Daughter of the Nine Moons' mean anything to you? -Mat Cauthon
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Saturday, May 14, 2005
O Christ in Thee my soul hath found
O Christ in Thee my soul hath found
O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found, and found in Thee alone,
the peace, the joy, I sought so long, the bliss till now unknown.
Now none but Christ can satisfy, none other Name for me!
There’s love, and life, and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in Thee!
I sighed for rest and happiness, I yearned for them, not Thee,
but while I passed my Saviour by, His love laid hold on me.
I tried the broken cisterns, Lord, but, ah! the waters failed!
E’en as I stooped to drink they fled and mocked me as I wailed.
The pleasures lost I sadly mourned, but never wept for Thee,
till grace the sightless eyes received Thy loveliness to see.
Sunday, May 08, 2005
The Lord has blessed me this past week in allowing me to experience alone time, and to be honest I pretty much wasted a lot of it trying to figure out what to do with myself. Then I realized that it truly is a gift from God to be able to spend a day or a week by yourself (not that you don't see or talk to people, but that you don't plan for it, or need it). So I began reading books more and more, and downloaded more sermons by John Piper on Romans. I believe this is an area of my life I would like to improve in. Spending my alone time wisely and profitably, unworried about hanging out with people so much.
For it is in solitude that I will really know God. Not just in an intellectual way, but in that deep loving way which is found in a quiet field of flowers, or on a hill of grass, where the soul can reflect and be truly satisfied in Jesus. He leads me beside still waters, he restores my soul. My current favourite song from Caedmon's Call is "Walk with Me", which speaks to my heart each time I play it, or hear it. I realize that many of you are extremely busy with work, but I would encourage you to use the time you have wisely, seek out the Lord in the stillness of solitude, if the Lord grants you the time. And believe me, if you desire to be quiet with Jesus, he will give you that time.
'Walk with me empty, walk with me strong
The hush of our voices, when the day seems so long.
It is like a balm, it is like a jewel, it unravels all i thought i knew...'
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Heaven's Abode
The Christ of the cross is drawing nigh,
A face like the sun in glory will come.
And when my dear King calls my name
This world I will leave for ultimate gain, for ultimate gain.
As waves of doubt crash surfs of faith,
I'm held by the promises in his word.
Mornings may come when I slip again,
I was bought with His blood before time began, before time began.
And I know that its not my job to ask
But do friendships like these flourish or fail?
I'm scared to hold on and take a blow
Or let go and lose what friendships I'd known, what friendships I'd known.
With the heart set on Christ and a life that shows
The majesty of his beauty alone.
This clock though it ticks but very slow,
Will no longer matter in Heaven's Abode, in Heaven's Abode...
Thursday, April 28, 2005
A Walk Down Memory Lane
Wed Oct 28, 1992 I would like to be and rtist wen I growe up. then i can do ale things rtists can do.
Now I admit my spelling has not changed too drastically since those days, but an artist? I found a bunch of drawings and multi-media work I did around the time, most of which were drawings of the USS Enterprise from Kirk's day. Man its been quite the afternoon, sitting here and remembering. I actually have the "Official Star Trek Fan Club of Canada Badge".
Its cool to think that the Lord has a plan for this life, and He has designed it so intricately and minutely, all for His own name's sake. One entry that caught my attention was this one:
Wed Sept 9, 1992 I wood like to have a turtle a little turtle.
Now I think I want to be a turtle. Swift to listen, slow to speak, slow to wrath, as James puts it.
Someone go dig up something of your past and share, I'd love to here how well you spelled back then, and what some of your hopes and dreams were.
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Another Chapter...
However, another chapter is slowly ending, the door cracked open enough for me to glance back and remember what the Lord has done, and how I have been changed for his glory. It is crazy to think about how different things were at the close of my year at KLBC, when compared with this year. And how similar.
I am currently reading a small biography on Hudson Taylor after which I promise I will go down to braidwood and finish off "Holy War". These missionary biographies really wrench my heart, so that I am much in thought about missions, and Pakistan. The Lord has in store for me a journey I could not dream up with all the imagination I have been blessed with. I need to read some more biographies this summer. I should talk with Levi, he'd know some good ones.
Pray that I would discover the Lord's will this summer. My heart is full, and has much to think and dwell on. Peace and Shade to you, until tommorow...
(Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret p34)
"A little while: 'twill soon be past!
Why should we shun the promised cross:
Oh let us in His footsteps haste,
Counting for Him all else but loss:
Then, how will recompense His smile
The sufferings of this little while!"
Friday, April 22, 2005
The Days Are Just Packed
Saturday, April 16, 2005
You were superman, wanting to fly so high.
Well you bombed out, just like Icharus you fell.
And you lay here, uncontrollably yourself.
If it wasn't for that rotten mind
You'd be alright, perfect infact.
But you, you wallow in pity and pride.
So pick up your mat, blind man
Open your eyes, walk in the light
You were meant for this life
So go on start living it!
Picture frames brace the walls with hero's and things
A little book, dusty with age, gets a look.
And you lay here with the knowledge of your fall.
This superman who wanted to fly so high
Found himself chasing after only the sky
But now he's changed, He has heaven written on his eyes.
Friday, April 15, 2005

I had a good day today. I no longer have a bathroom, as it has been completely destroyed, luckily I was able to help (sledge hammers are fun). I went on an adventure today (as if I don't everyday), and wound up visiting a few of the friends I have made through TCF bible study this year. Good people, who have lots of good insight into life and Christ. After a tidy meal (pretty much a hunk of cheese I sliced off at the start of the day with some five-alive) on the river by Trent I chased the sunset all the way home.
This picture of Calvin and Hobbes dancing to music at 78 rpm's sums up the day. My only regret is that I never did make it into a tree. O well, maybe tommorow...
May God bless you richly through his Word.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Bikes, Guitars and Commitment
In other news, I think I am starting to enjoy recording music. Josh found me a program which lets me record a track, and then record another piece while the first one is playing. This means I can add in more guitar parts and explore/practice singing harmony. Recently I tested this out by playing 'Beautiful Scandalous Night' (which is a cool song all by itself). I was inspired by how well Luke Bruce and Amy Covert sing it for KLBC choir (thx folks!). Anyway, I will try to keep people updated, but as it stands I might try to compile stuff and plop it on a CD. If you would like to hear some of my material give me a shout. I need to hear some constructive criticism so I can improve.
Lately I've been reading about Joseph in Genesis. That man had character coming out his ears. And one thing I noticed was that he is consistent in all he does, even during temptation. Day after day he is hounded to sin, and he refuses. He made a commitment right from the get-go that he would not sin against God, and he made good on that promise. Stu Webber points out that a man's ability to make a promise and keep it is crucial to who he is. A consistent commitment to the things of Christ is what it is all about.
Time to get back to work! I hope I get to make something cool tonight.
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Heart and Sleeve
The wind is moving
But I am standing still
A life of pages
Waiting to be filled
A heart that's hopeful
A head that's full of dreams
But this becoming
Is harder than it seems
Feels like I'm
Looking for a reason
Roamin' through the night to find
My place in this world
My place in this world
Not a lot to lean on
I need your light to help me find
My place in this world
My place in this world
If there are millions
Down on their knees
Among the many
Can you still hear me
Hear me asking
Where do I belong?
Is there a vision
That I can call my own?
I know my goal is to exalt Christ by cherishing and enjoying Him, but
I think I am longing for some direction in the future, some sign saying "TODD THIS IS WHERE YOU SHOULD BE". Is that sinful thinking? Is that a lack of trust in Christ? I just feel like I could try so many things in this life: teacher, missionary worker, bible translator, musician (k maybe not the last one :P) Luke also noted that who we know slowly changes depending on what we do and where we go. It is inevitable. And it takes a lot of work to keep friendships going. So how does someone know where they are called to? because this summer I really hope to find some direction for the future. I don't just want direction though, I want a vision for the future, a goal, a quest. Somewhere to lead a family. Hmm. Perhaps there is no vision because I am not ready for it yet. There is much to be desired in my character, things the Lord is continually conforming to his likeness, as well as showing me things I need to experience or learn. So then, I must study Christ, so I might adore him more, and thus desire to be like him and learn from the situations he places me in in the months and years to come. Pray for me my friends, help me keep these eyes on Jesus.
Romans 12:1, Hebrews 12:3
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Jacob Joseph
Jacob Joseph opened his eyes today
Fingers stretching for the sky
The cradle rocks him softly back to sleep
A precious life indeed
And I wonder if he will grow to love Jesus,
And marry some girl beautiful and wise
Together they might pray under the trees
I don’t know about that baby boy
The days you’ve planned for him
But my job is to trust and obey
Cause’ Lord you’ve been good to me
And when Peter sought the secret will of God
The Lord reminded him of his place
For He does as He pleases with the nations of the earth
And little Jacob Joseph has not been forgotten
So I’ll pray about that boy in his cradle
And maybe God will have mercy
Cause Jacob Joseph is a sinner too
And a precious life indeed
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
Easter Blessings
In other news the Lord has been showing me amazing things concerning trent university. There is a real peace in my heart about nominations for TCF's executive for next year, and I am super excited about being a part of it.
I've been listening to Caedmon's Call's new CD: Share the Well, which has been a blessing, specifically three songs: 'the innocent's corner, the roses, and there's only one (holy one).
There's only one, who never fails to beckon the morning light
There's only one, who sets loose the gales and ties the trees down tight
When all around my soul gives way, he is all my hope and stay
There's only one, only one Holy One
Finally, I've been encouraged lately by two of my friends, and the story I see the Lord weaving through each of them. Keep strong girls!
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Warder al'Ander
Friday, March 11, 2005
It's New It's Exciting, hurry while supplies last!
It's Sprapple, the famed new drink, brought to you by TradeMark industries and manufactured at mild-mannered Todd's house. This unique blend of rich apple flavour and tangy sprite zip is sure to be loved by the whole family. The key to this marvelous drink is not in the ingredients themselves, but the genius way in which you combine them. There is a limited supply of Sprapple to be had, so hurry down to Herman Street today!
*those drinking Sprapple may be subjected to hours of uncontrollable energy which may result in weak knees, sweaty palms, and or loss of hair. Please contact your doctor and ask if Sprapple is right for you*
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
This is the field where hidden lies
The pearl of price unknown.
That merchant is divinely wise
Who makes the pearl His own.
Sunday, March 06, 2005
The War of the Mind
-Read 'Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life' by Don Whitney, and Tozer's 'Knowledge of the Holy.'
-For an understanding of the war of the mind read John Bunyan's Holy War (so far its dynamite!)
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
Happy March Day!
While I am on, as it seems to the untrained eye, a useless rant about March, I might as well designate the official Calvin and Hobbes comic for March Day. hmmm. let me see. Aha, I have found it! I will just give you the URL because I can't be bothered to figure out how to upload pictures to my blog.
On a closing, completely unrelated note: if you get the chance, read John Bunyan's Holy War. So far it is very insightful, and a good vocabulary builder. That man had a good grasp on salvation.
Happy March Day one and all!
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Feast for Thought
Anyway, after that was done, I went to evening service at Braidwood and listened to a message on temptation and sin, (a continuation of the message from the morning on Genesis 3:1-12) and the Lord really spoke to me. Andy Bowes brought out the clear truth of God's word concerning temptation, and the reason we fall into sin so easily. The first thing Satan tries to do in temptation is make us doubt the Word of God, and the Goodness of God. Once he has done that sin is sure to follow, because when we begin to doubt what God says is true, we decide in our minds that what we desire, or wish, or hope, or think, is better than what God tells us. Remember that the heart is deceitful above all things. The old flesh is tearing at my mind to give into those temptations, because it hates God. Everyone out there who loves Jesus knows what I am talking about. That inner struggle of mind, right before the action of sin. That decision to run away, or to go ahead. Once again tonight I was reminded that the way to be strong in the face of temptation has nothing to do with my strength of will, or my intelligence, but my knowing God through the study of his word. You see folks I'm a fairly logical person, so the equation makes complete sense from all angles. It even has parallels to real life. If you want to have a deep relationship with someone you had better spend time with them, get to know them, and if you love that person, you will desire to do just that, and be pained when you can't do so. The same is true for our God. The way to know him is through his word. The question in my head and heart, the one I need to answer now, and the one I have been running from for so long is: Do I love Jesus? And if so, why don't I put forward the effort to get to know him by reading his word?
It's so simple. But in all honesty folks there are other things I would rather enjoy playing the harlot with before I run to my real husband, like my video games, or fantasy novels...
It's like that Derek Webb song 'wedding dress'. That one line is ringing in my ear: 'I am so easily satisfied, by the call of lovers less wild'.
For me its time to change, to get back to that consistency of reading God's word daily.
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Sand Outside Jericho
Sitting in the sand outside the town of Jericho
The footsteps of a crowd drew a growl from his stomach
The mid-day meal was still long coming
And he had only a few coins in his coat
He called out to some passersby
'Sir why all the noise, and could you spare a coin?'
Then he heard Jesus' name, a whisper in the crowd
And at the top of his lungs he cried:
O son of David have mercy on me
Bartimaeus the Unclean
Dear Lord I want to see,
I just want to see
Your faith has made you well
And it was done, well almost.
There was still that choice to follow Christ,
But he'd been called, and his money lay forgotten
How is it I go back to being blind
And begging for this world to satisfy
Cause I don't really know what I want,
But I know I want to see.
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Like a crimson arrow falling with the pull of gravity I fell,
To skip like a smooth stone accross cascading storm clouds,
Bent on dispensing their white, luminescent wrath upon
Stones hardened by years of teardrop bombardment.
Then, as the eye of a storm hushes the grass which meets it stare,
The stones braced, ears strained heavenward, for the dreaded wind
To bring in haste a seemingly endless barrage of snow.
Blue swirled to a deep grey, as azure was swallowed by heavily burdened
Pack horses, bound for some distant land, packages swaying in the breeze.
The crimson bolt disapeared, plunging the world into shadow, the wind,
Afraid to blow its tidings, retreats into the recesses.
And I am alone again, gloriously alone.
Grey fades to green, and I smile:
It will be back!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
New Lessons
On another note, I've been noticing more and more how friends are few and hard to come by. Distance grows with each passing day, and I speak and communicate with less and less people that I once did. I suppose a core group of people exists, but sometimes I wonder if that is diminishing. I think I have concluded that:
1) Friends must be cherished and one must work hard to keep those relationships going.
2) The Lord has reasons for moving people in and out of our lives, and it is not our job to become anxious over departure, or separation. Seasons come and go, we must embrace the new season, remembering fondly, not bitterly, those friendships we were bestowed with.
Based on this, I think I need to work at cultivating those relationships I am responsible with.
(and learn 'Courtier Taps His Fan')
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Another Mask To Burn...
'I thought I could protect it better holding it in my hands, but I paid it so much attention it broke when I tripped over my own feet. So the heart goes back on the sleeve, where God protects it.'
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Two Fountains
He saw, as it seemed to him,
Two fountains peculiar and alone.
From the eagles nest the eye
Is hard pressed to miss the beauty of one,
Enlightened by the glowing, uncobwebbed lanterns,
Swaying in an unusual night breeze.
From depths of earth flow forth the source,
Of mighty waters blasting from twelve base holes,
Whose reaching strains to touch ten circular basin,
Piled High into the sky, cup upon ever shrinking cup,
Falling short of the blighted peak.
Outside beautiful gates lies, in a grassy gnole,
A replica of city fountain built just as tall.
But beauty appears unmirrored, unfound among the shoots,
Save the summit, where water trickles forth.
The water too differs much, in quality,
For none but those who swear by the tower,
Know of the source of its single crested stream,
Which, though it waters the top, fails to reach below,
And cracks may be seen forming on the parched base.
Two fountains stood peculiar and alone,
And he chose the one spouting truth.
Thursday, January 20, 2005
2 things have prompted me in the last while: Rand Al'Thor, and Derek Webb. Those of you who know either know that Rand is always not understanding women, and Derek is a forthright lyrical genius concerning how he feels about them. Both sum up a lot of whats going on...
Love is Different (Derek Webb)
Well, it looks like five thousand miles broke the camel's back
But it's not as though I had a plan to win you back
Because I don't know what I want
But at least I know that much
Now I'm afraid love came right up
And it slapped me in the face, but I did not know
'Cause love is different than you'd think
It's never in a song or on a TV screen
And love is harder than a word
Said at the right time and everything's alright
Love is different than you think
So I won't expect a postcard from Trafalgar Square
But I'd be lying if I said I didn't care
Because you can't just turn it off
And put a blindfold on your heart
But Im off to a good start
A continent away, but I do not know
But maybe you're the dream Im waking from
'Cause I see you everywhere I go
Darlin' you are such a mystery to me, you know
So guys I have been brooding over an idea for quite some time. The whole idea of dating or waiting, the m-word, and God's sovereignty/timing. We need to stop looking at this issue as a java-induced child looks at a Jenga game, and start looking at the way Christ would have us treat any person. Its about character, and long-term, and all those big words that make my stomach churn because I'm lonely. You know what is exciting news? The longer we have to develop strong, godly character, the more intimate our future relationships will be. We should praise God that he has given us more time to prepare ourselves for a wife.
To that end, I have given up dating altogether. Firstly it seems to me to carry the same weight of a promise item (a lesson painfully learned) Secondly, godly friendships CAN be developed as they should without titles and built-in expectations. Promise items are liken to the idea of teasing someone about a good you have, and then giving no actual guarantee that the good will be delivered. Let your 'yes' be yes and your 'no' be no. Many are prepared to say that godly friendships will get to a point where a secondary step must be taken, before engagement, so as to make known to other people an 'officiality' of the relationship. (I do not mean to be harsh to any that have done this, I just believe there to be a better way) This seems to be done for one of two reasons that I have observed: To please the public eye or to please the private eye. In the public's eye people often seek status, or respect, and in the private eye the individuals involved in the relationship often seek identification, and solace. (This is not a complete list obviously :) All of these things can be found in God, for if one is in love with the Saviour, their status is found in him, they will not be swayed by the lack respect given them, furthermore they will find true identification and solace.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Experiment B-12
Monday, January 10, 2005
Concerning the Truths found in Tales
What manner of person are you. Is it in your heart to follow Christ with consistency, and is it planned in your mind. Have you decided that you will focus on Christ, and no other, that your ultimate purpose is to worship him? Or have you gone the way of the hare, and thought you were good enough on your own to reach God, like a loose cannon, useless from the beginning.
Some may be forward in suggesting that these things are too difficult, and that consistency in godliness is impossible, or too boring, or not rewarding. Look closely at your heart. Analyze yourself, for noone else, save God, can know who you really are. You are simply making excuses for the blasphemous way in which you live, or desire to live. Consistency does not demand perfection, but it does demand effort. If you are not willing to work hard to know Jesus, what use is it to you to try at all?
Finally, I am slowly beginning to realize how much my generation has failed in learning from the older ones. How blessed is it to look into eyes worn with age, whose hearts and minds are vibrantly consistent for our Lord. What an example one can take from them. Sadly many are too wrapped up in arguing with them concerning doctrine, music, and styles of worship. The next time you bump shoulders, shake hands, or share tea with the older generation, remember the years of knowledge in walking with the Lord they have, and pray to the Lord that you might grow to know Him in the same way that they do.
By the way, the tortoise will always beat the hare....