Monday, November 21, 2005

Don't bend your mind too far on this one

Well, I haven't blogged in a while. My birthday was good, and life is moving along at its usual November pace: mindbendingly fast. Why does that sound fast? Beats me. Firstly, I am not even aware of what it would feel like for my mind to be 'bent,' let alone for it to be done so in a manner quicker than average. And secondly, well actually I don't have a secondly. English metaphors can be ridiculous, or perhaps the analysis is ridiculous. Moving on...

I'm jumping back into regularily studying NT Greek. Along these lines are perhaps my latest thoughts about the future, namely Bible Translation. Its exciting stuff. In other news, I am reading a book by Sam Storms called "onething," which discusses the beauty of God, and how we should be thinking more about glorifying and enjoying Him. I also got the chance to listen to John Piper give a biography of Jonathan Edwards, which has heightened my desire to study and know scripture, and actually think about it (which is why I am jumping back into Greek). O ya, and I decided that I'm going to write in Toddish for all my notes (except things I have to hand in...), since it seems to be a focus for me. Ah, good times.

I haven't written any songs lately, but I have been learning the piano a bit. Luke taught me a few things to start, and I'm using whatever time available to play. Its been fun so far. Assignments are looming, and I feel as busy as ever. I guess I can only laugh at myself for how much I get involved with.

Braidwood is going great at the moment. I feel like there is a revival happening in the church, in terms of a passion to know God and act on that. I feel closer to the people there, and it is cool to be a part of. And the chorus book is starting to be used, with guitars at the front and stuff! (I know folks, don't blow a gasket mulling that one over. God is good :)

Godspeed my friends!



Jerry said...

BRAIDWOOD AND GUITARS?!@?!? (falls over in a state of subdermal shock)

Anyways, glad to hear all's well in the land of Tod (kind of like the land of Nod I guess). Oh, and I need to brush up on my toddish.

Unknown said...

Come on Jerry, stranger things have happend . . . I'm sure they've happened.

Keep up on those paradigms Todd, awesome to hear about your renewed interest in the NT.

Dennis said...

Hey Todd,

I have been looking at your DPS blog, etc. and thought I would propose the following poem to you for your critique. You could post it on the DPS site and see what people think.

Its a bit juvenile but simultaneously witty and deep. My friend Stephen Burbidge and I wrote it a few years ago. I think it could use more verses to develop other character flaws with similar characters to "Eddy".

Eddy was a hermit crab
He never came out of his shell
Eddy, he was shellfish
You know him very well
His peers just down the sandy beach
Found him to be crabby
Was it just his stone-washed genes
That made him so unhappy?

What do you think? I am no poet but used to try my hand at songs, etc. when I had the company of peers (piers) who stimulated such thinking.