Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Another Mask To Burn...

Today I was out in a t-shirt, freezing but loving the closeness of spring. I was thinking about what it means to be sincere, in both thought and deed. I was reminded that I need to be very careful that the way I am presenting myself to people matches up with my heart condition. Its time to stop telling people I feel 'good' when I don't, or pass myself off as someone who has everything together. If I continue to do these things, I will start to believe they are true, creating an even greater problem than just deceiving my friends about my spiritual condition; I will deceive myself.

'I thought I could protect it better holding it in my hands, but I paid it so much attention it broke when I tripped over my own feet. So the heart goes back on the sleeve, where God protects it.'

1 comment:

Jerry said...

heart on sleeve = bloody sleeve, happier heart