Monday, September 19, 2005

Taking Stock

So I was looking back over my past blogging, and was surprised to find all the different things I have said. Alot has been written about the mind, solitude, poetry, music, God's sovereignty, patience, decisions, and so on. There have been changes since I started. Changes in attitude, circumstance, and direction. Most noticeably is my change in attitude toward the subject of dating. As I look back to January I notice that my major issue was not with the relational aspect of dating, but how it is labelled. And in that respect I believe I was wrong. Human beings will always label things. So it is not the labelling which I should be so concerned about, but the content of the relationship itself.

"I do not in any way condone dating relationships, but I believe I can get to know someone better by doing away with titles and inherent expectations involved in a 'dating relationship'."

This statement is simply untrue. This is because expectations are things which are defined by the people in a relationship, not the nature of the relationship.

So things have changed. And I am happy about that change.



Anonymous said...

I am also happy about that change. . .uh oh, I'm posting a comment on a blog - next thing you know I'll have my own blogspot. That could be a dangerous thing for the world . . .

andrew said...

Todd, my dear man, what on earth does that post mean? I mean, here I am... I get paid every day to decipher what people mean... I'm an okay reader, I swear. This blogpost was a lovely philosophical statement, but I feel like there's something else underneath this. Are you holding out? ;-) Just bugging ya.

Oh, and also, Hi Heather!

Jerry said...

In my mind, as long as the two people involved know where they're at (and any other relevant parties), then you can call it whatever the crap you want. (Heck, "we're FISHING" for all I care).

Also, like my good friend Andymack, I sense a deeper meaning Todder. Fess up.

Sarah Beth said...

It's always good to refresh your thoughts :) Change is good, happy fishing!

Michelle said...

i think that quite possibly if heather had a blog that hers would be one of the most interesting out there. :)