Saturday, August 20, 2005

I think this one deserves a better title...

Back from Teen Camp at Hope Valley. It was fast, but it always is, due to the action packed nature of the week. One of the highlights was when we had this crazy game of soccer using an earth ball (approximate height 5 feet, 9 inches). All of the team leaders played against some 60 campers, which turned out to be a fairly intense game, especially when the impact of two or three people on the ball sent many flying into the air. The Lord was good to us throughout the week, providing strength and energy for those of us who had to jump into camp mode and get up to speed quite quickly. I had a blast doing programming, as it let me engage in one of my favourite pastimes: inventing crazy games and ideas. In other news I purchased a Larrivee from the L-01 series, and put a pickup in it. I have been looking to get an acoustic which plugs in for a long time, and this guitar seems to suit me well. I am really looking forward to recording music with Luke Dent this year, as well as re-mastering the songs from my first album. Its fun to try stuff, even if you don't think it will lead anywhere big. That's all for now.

-the bard


Anonymous said...

Missed you today, and look forward to hearing from the 3 of you on Wednesday night. By the way, my crusade to get North American women wearing the Salwar Kameez is not going so well :o)
Aunt Deb

Jerry said...

I've been eyeing larivee's myself. But for me, the debate is still Acoustic VS Electric. If I end up going acoustic, it'll be larivee... I love em.

andrew said...

Good acquisition todder... i think our guitars would play a nice point/counterpoint in terms of contrasting sound. hmm. Glad to hear camp went well, too.