Monday, April 02, 2007

Sermon Outline - Exchanging Glory


1) Pray FOCUS: verses 23&25 EXCHANGING
2) Story
3) Read Romans 1:18-32
4) Context – church at Rome
Vs 16-17 thesis: God’s righteousness revealed
Man needs this righteousness
5) Intro to Questions:
a) What is exchanged?
b) Why is it exchanged?
c) Effects of this exchange


What is exchanged?
1) Glory of Incorruptible God
a) Explain Glory – radiance, glow, shiny
Example engagement ring
b) Display God – incorruptible, immortal, everlasting, never fading, eternal, Incomparable

2) An image in the form of corruptible man . . .
a) Explain 3-fold degradation
Quote - “copy of a copy of a copy” – Piper
Example - $100 bill → monopoly → child’s picture → photocopied

Why is it exchanged?
1) Foolishness of man (21-22)
a) Futile in speculations – because they don’t honour God they’re useless
b) Foolish heart darkened
c) Professing to be wise they became fools [Reversal of natural function of mind and heart]
2) God gave them up/over
- 3 times (24, 26, 28)
- Purpose is twofold 1) Reveal man’s sinfulness
2) Show God’s longsuffering

Effects of this exchange
1) God restrains (Example – dog straining on a leash)
2) Debasement (24, 26, 28)
a) Lusts of their heart – bodies dishonoured
b) Degrading passions – homosexuality
c) Depraved mind – Don’t acknowledge God
- Sin, knowing it is evil and give approval to others (APATHY)

Personal Application
1) Test your heart (What do we exchange?)
2) Nothing you can do to make Jesus look most beautiful to your heart – No matter your understanding
3) Plead with God


Jerry said...

Preaching are we? Maybe I'll post my notes for my upcoming pulpit-pounding too... :)

Todd said...

or past pulpit pounding as the case is here. Either way, beware ye old block of wood.