Saturday, June 02, 2007

Crimson flames tie my tongue

Finally its the end of a work-week! I don't have very much to say at the moment, but I blog in order to keep up the writing. My current project for the week has suffered from my work schedule, which is dissapointing, but hopefully reconcilable. Discussions with my work-mates have lead down many paths, but one which has crossed the threshold from passing comment to conversation is the philosophy of humour. I talked with one coworker about the motives of humour, and why it is human beings laugh at things. In our context, we thought it was interesting that men tend to cover over concern for the well-being of another with laughter. Thus, it is easier to laugh at someone than for that person to find out you care. What gets me is the relative vulgarity of humour. Jokes are relegated to the inferior category of 'wit' and 'pun' if they are not cutting and/or sexual. And really, it makes me sad. We were designed to build one another up, and to glorify a powerful and awesome God in the words we use. Oh how my own tongue makes me to be a flaming hypocrite! Do you find your workplace is a warzone of acid thoughts and dagger smiles? How do you protect your mind and heart?

God's word. Read in the Psalms what David has to say about God's words. Then take steps to confront sin.


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