So its been about 3 days since landing and I have had a chance to chat with a good number of my friends and family about the trip, as well as receive very lovely comments as to my lack of weight and "vibrant" skin colouration (is that a word?). I found out that overall I lost about 13 pounds, which if your Todd Anderson that works out to about all of the remaining fat reserves in your entire body. This, though it sounds tragic and perhaps scary, has been one of the most beneficial aspects of the entire trip for me. For I got to know my God much better through the experience. I now have a fresh look at what the word "hunger" means, though I would not suppose to have experienced it in any great measure.
Its kind of funny the way the Lord works. For my feeling coming away from Pakistan was that I would spend time over the next couple weeks thinking and praying about the experience, ultimately looking for some answers as to long-term work for the future. And my attitude has been negative as to returning to the country, based almost exclusively on the moods and emotions I felt during the trip. I spent some time playing tennis and chatting with Josh about it, and the things I kept saying I had issues with all seemed to be problems that would not occur if I lived in my own house, and had a job, etc... I guess I need to be very careful in the next few weeks to remember the facts about the country rather than a certain mood on a certain day. Well that's it for the moment, I think I'll go eat some peanut butter.
-the bard