Thursday, February 08, 2007

Quick note

The artistic part of me is engaged in a new song with possible thoughts to finally bust out a second album (which will most likely contain a lot of the first one).

Its strange the price you pay to love and laugh and live
But then I think my mind is playing tricks on you
‘Cause I’d jump you like a car,
And watch you drain my batteries.

Truth is, you’re really not to blame for these times
You’re just doing your job, and pulling on the line
‘Cause I’d rig you up some bait,
To find out it’s just what you hate

I can’t force my thoughts under your skin
But I need to know when joy is going swimming again
‘Cause sorrow is the seaweed in this lake
And God knows I’ve been trying to shake it

I’d love to find a way to make you consistent
I’ll rally satisfaction to my cause
‘Cause I’d woo you with my song
To find it never quite turns you on

(I'll comment later on meaning. For now, have fun decontextualizing.)


Jerry said...


This song is... allegory?! Yay!

And perhaps! oh my...

Good Job Todd... probably the most unique thing you've written.

Jerry said...

After a few closed readings, I'm compelled to agree with my good friend Sir Noah of Salo (sahh-low):

It's allegory about sex in covenant heterosexual monogamous marriage.

Which is to say, it's very good Toddy.

Todd said...

its not about sex, though I did give free reign to deconstructionists. Its a song about the heart, and how, no matter how much stuff we have in our heads, without God's Spirit applying it, our hearts will never be stirred. Perhaps I am wrong though... Maybe humans have the ability to stir our hearts about what we know.

Jerry said...

You gotta admit you set us up Todd...

Then again, if we understand sex the way Piper paints it... maybe the poem is about sex?

Regardless, it's still very good. Some of your best.